The South Wales Caving Club

Summer Expedition to the Jura, France.

27th July – 10th August 2019

Lead contact: Gary Vaughan

Phone: 07836 727131          E-Mail:



















Gouffre de Granges-Mathieu

Length 1173m, VR -40m, Time 3 hours
GPS UTM 31T-0725400-5225630 388m

This is an extremely unusual cave, in as much as it is a semi-developed for the more adventurous tourist – a caver’s show cave!. Electric lights and fixed aids are found throughout the cave. However, the cave is extremely well decorated. It is also very hot and dry, so the minimum gear is recommended. The cave is subject to access controls, and permission to descend should be obtained from the Groupe Speleologique de Belfort. The cave is essentially a very old, large keyhole passage, separated by roomy decorated chambers. From Ornans, take the D67 north, towards Besancon. After 2 km turn left onto the D101. After 5.5 km turn right onto the D9 and follow for 5 km to Epeugney. Turn left onto the D101 then quickly right onto the D440 towards Chenecey-Buillon. Just before the village, a track leads off right from a sharp left-hand bend. Follow this for 700m then turn left into the village of Grange-Mathieu. The road makes a circle within the village. As you follow it round, look out for an electric cable disappearing into a wood. Take a track on the right, signposted to Chalet d’Arguel, and park on the left after a short distance. The cable is used to power electric lights within the cave !.

The fenced entrance pitch is a large, 23m deep mostly free-hanging pothole. (30m rope, belayed from a tree). From the base, a rubble slope descends to a passage, which can be followed south for 150m to a boulder choke and north to a locked gate. It is possible to pass the gate by climbing over the bars and squeezing down behind. The gate is above a short drop, where another drop to the right onto a scree slope leads down to a fine canyon. 100m further on a 12m deep, exposed fixed-ladder pitch drops into larger passage. In places the way on is guided by a string of light-bulbs!. 250m of large decorated passage reaches the Salle de Guano, bypassed to the left by chains and a wire traverse. Heading left around a group of stalagmites leads into a continuation of the well-decorated gallery, and 200m beyond a further chamber is entered. By carefully following the left hand wall around a deep pit in the floor, a short climb up a stalled rift reaches the terminal Salle des Mille Colonnes. This is spectacularly decorated with hundreds of magnificent, slender stalagmites, up to 12m high, forming the highlight of the visit. The cave ends a short distance beyond in mud and boulder chokes.



Updated 01.11.18